Monday, March 23, 2009

Dress Up!

The girls had a lot of fun playing dress up. I allowed my daughter and the twins to put on a little of my makeup and I was able to capture some really great memorable moments.

Victoria 1


Sunday, March 15, 2009

The weekand with the twins!

This past weekend i had my twin nieces over to stay the night. We had so much fun. It's been a while since we have seen them (3 years to be exact) so i made sure to cherish every moment of it. I thought i would share them with all of you.

These are my brother's girls. They are 9 years old and are identical (atleast born that way), but now they are getting a lot easier to tell them apart but I am still catching my self slipping up every once in a while. Especially when Victoria is not wearing her glasses. This is one way that you can tell them apart.

Here is Victoria she wears glasses and has a smaller face.


Here is Patricia she is the twin who doesn't wear glasses and has a slightly larger face.


They had so much fun while they were down. Here is a photo of all of the kids having fun.



My kids just loved having them stay the night also. I am happy were where able to have them down for a weekend and now that I have there mother's phone number I will defiantly keep in touch more often and plan on having them come to stay in a few more weeks.

Here are a few more photo's that were taken:

The girls were playing puppy dogs in this photo! Can you tell?


Patricia likes music. Someday she may be the new Hanna Montana!


Little Miss Patricia

Litt Miss Victoria

Later on in the day we walked to the park and had such a blast.


Bye the end of the night they were pooped and fell fast a sleep. I had to steal this pic from them while they were sleeping it was just to cute not to.

Miss Victoria

Miss Patricia

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The happiest baby you will ever meet!

I was lucky to be able to photoshot my nephew last weekand and I would have to say that I was able to get some amazing photo's. He is definatly one of the happiest baby's I know. He was smiling 90% of the time. I was able to shoot him off and on for about 3 hours.



